As far as the eye can see...people are packed in. Most stand in line, shuffling forward every 15 seconds, some even braving the cold as the line goes out the door. They're tired from a long day at work and chauffeuring the kids around, but they're still there. They wouldn't dream of missing it. All for a 5-second interaction. No, it's not a celebrity sighting or the release of the newest iPhone — it's to get a smear of dirt on their heads. Ash Wednesday is in less than a month, the exact moment we all talk about longingly in staff meetings but don't realize we actually have: "If only we could get them here!" ("Them" being those who aren't regularly coming to our church.) And we get so caught up in do we have enough ashes and someone showing up riiiiiight after we just finished cleaning off our thumbs... ...that we miss the huge evangelization opportunity we have in Ash Wednesday. It's one of a few days a year where the people we want to impact literally come to us, which makes our job SO MUCH EASIER...if we know how to capitalize on the moment. Because besides all your regulars, who is this person is who only shows up on major feast days?
But these people have raised raised their hands (or foreheads) that they are at least slightly interested in the faith. And it's our job to respond to that interest. So the question I want you to ask yourself is: "What could we do to move someone who is at least slightly interested in faith to the next level?" As much as we might want to, we can't just jump in and assume we can get someone from halfheartedly going to an Ash Wednesday service to regularly going to Sunday Mass. So what is the next level of faith commitment? Participating in a Lenten practice? Coming to a church event? Attending a "seeker" event? Personal prayer? We always have to ask ourselves, "What is the next step for a person at this stage of their faith journey?" and then explicitly tell them what that next step is, because we can't assume they know. So, let's build out your "how to capitalize on Ash Wednesday" marketing plan right here. ⬇ (This will take a few minutes, but if you do this, your Ash Wednesday impact will be so much greater.) 1. Who are you trying to convince? Your first task is to take 3 minutes right now and pray/think about the kind of person who might be attending Ash Wednesday services and what their needs are. (Bonus points if you do this in Adoration and invite the Lord to show you who He's called you to reach!) Here are some questions to ask:
Remember, it's okay to pray/guess about the answers. It's just to get you in the headspace of knowing how to help people in this category in general because you can more easily get to their feelings this way. 2. Decide the next step for them. Next, let's break down what some common next steps might be for that audience you've pictured:
3. How will you communicate that next step? Now that you know what you want them to do, how are you going to tell them to do it? The ideas below are basically summed up in: have a seeker-focused event either attached to or soon after Ash Wednesday, offer a welcoming environment and opportunities for prayer, and consider giving away something (besides just ashes!) that will help them in grow in their faith this Lent. But to help cut down on the indecision and 15 more things to do, here's what I would prioritize based on the goal you selected in step 2: ➡️ Have a good/better impression of the Church ➡️ Help them feel like they belong/are missed. ➡️ Encourage them to grow deeper in personal prayer. ➡️ Have them read the Bible and "meet" Jesus. ➡️ Invite them to a Lenten series/mission. ➡️ Invite them to a "seeker" event/series: Alpha, The Search, etc. ➡️ Invite them to the next Sunday Mass. Remember, in all of this, we have to pay attention to the problem we're solving for this audience and using their language to explain how this will help them. Why, not what!! (If you need a refresher on this, go watch the replay from my recent How to Market Your Parish Like Jesus webinar where I go into more detail on how to practically do this.) The final step is making sure everyone goes home with something physically to help them live the faith beyond Ash Wednesday...but we'll talk about that next week because this is already a super long newsletter! So go answer those three questions now, and next week I'll share an easy way to have them bring home more than just a dirty forehead on Ash Wednesday. For His greater glory, Emily |
I teach Catholic churches, businesses, and ministries how to market like Jesus. Every Monday, I send out the latest musings on Catholic marketing from my position as a Catholic marketing professional, former parish employee, and regular old Catholic mom trying not to lose my mind while raising saints. Subscribe if you want to learn how to apply the strategies Jesus and the apostles used to grow the Early Church to your own marketing work today!
The average person goes to 130 websites per day and spends less than a minute per page. We spend a lot of time in marketing talking about how to get people TO your website...but all of the traffic is pointless if they aren't actually converting. For reference, a "good" conversion rate on a website is 2-5%, which means for every 100 people on your site, we want to average 2-5 people taking some action. (It's like when Jesus fed the five thousand...we'd expect that 100-250 people would take...
You know how I spent last week's email going on and on about Lenten devotionals and how there were so many of them this year and the marketing lessons we can learn from them? Well...I'm excited to introduce to you... . . . ...not another Lenten devotional. 😂 (Sorry, couldn't help it.) I DO want to talk about Lent though and ask a favor. You know how you just sometimes get a random idea and instead of just thinking "Huh, interesting thought" like a normal person, you go crazy and create a...
This year, I feel like EVERYONE, from big to small ministries, was offering a Lent devotional. Beginning in late January, I was bombarded with emails about them. There were ones with certain themes, those meant for very specific audiences like those grieving or singles, and every format possible: books, video series, audio series, and in-person events.I almost bought several different ones. But after my Advent mishap, I ended up buying......none of them. (I actually still don't know what I'm...