How would Jesus market your business?

FREE WEBINAR: 5 Ways Jesus Used Marketing (That Every Catholic Business Needs to Know)

Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 4 pm ET

Want to grow your business in 2025? Here are the 5 essential things you need to know — and bonus, Jesus did all of these to grow the early Church too!

Yes, I'll send out the replay to all who register!

Perhaps you approach marketing as a chore, something you have to do on top of all the other hats you wear.

It can sometimes seem like it's in the way of the actual work God has placed on your heart.

That all that work of emailing and posting on social media and "showing up" is a necessary evil taking us away from the real work we've been called to.

Or maybe you don't mind it, but you don't feel like you get marketing. Isn't marketing just complicated, sleazy, and full of tricks to get people to buy things? How could that possibly apply to your mission of helping people encounter Jesus?

But what if I told you that the marketing work you do is actually holy?

(And not just the sanctifying kind when you're fighting with WordPress code or posting that Reel for the 3rd time because the app keeps crashing.)

In fact, what if it was just as holy as the call God first put on your heart?

Because yes, you want to share Jesus with as many souls as possible. That's why you're doing this work most likely.

But the only way to do that is if we have souls finding our businesses in the first place. And that takes marketing.

So what if Catholic marketing was just strategic evangelization? (It is.)

What if Jesus used Catholic marketing to grow the early Church? (He did.)

What if we are actually divinely commissioned to market Jesus? (We are — see Matthew 28:19.)

What if marketing our business was really simple and we could just follow what Jesus did? (It is and we can.)

If that's the case...then we have to ask ourselves, how would Jesus market our business?

And that's the question we're going to explore in a free webinar I'm hosting on February 6.

We'll be unpacking 5 essential strategies that Jesus used to grow the early Church that we can use to grow our businesses today.

👋 Things like how to actually find the people God has called you to reach (and how to even know who they are)

🙏 And how to actually get people to buy without all the sleaze

📱 And which marketing channels you need to worry about and which you can ditch.

And a whole lot more.

The answers are all right there in the Bible! And I'll be showing you how to grow your business the Jesus way during this free webinar.

Since you're on my email list, it's super easy to save your seat — just click the button below and I'll add you to the list! ⬇

And yes, the recording will be sent if you can't make it!

Want more info before you sign up (or want to share it with a ministry friend)? Go to for more about what we'll be covering!

I can't wait to talk more about this on February 6!

For His greater glory,


P.S. Scrolled here to see what's important? I'm hosting a free webinar for Catholic businesses on February 6 with 5 ways Jesus used marketing. Sign up automatically by clicking here, or learn more at

Welcome to Monday Marketing Musings!

I teach Catholic churches, businesses, and ministries how to market like Jesus. Every Monday, I send out the latest musings on Catholic marketing from my position as a Catholic marketing professional, former parish employee, and regular old Catholic mom trying not to lose my mind while raising saints. Subscribe if you want to learn how to apply the strategies Jesus and the apostles used to grow the Early Church to your own marketing work today!

Read more from Welcome to Monday Marketing Musings!

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