You know how I spent last week's email going on and on about Lenten devotionals and how there were so many of them this year and the marketing lessons we can learn from them? Well...I'm excited to introduce to you... . . . ...not another Lenten devotional. 😂 (Sorry, couldn't help it.) I DO want to talk about Lent though and ask a favor. You know how you just sometimes get a random idea and instead of just thinking "Huh, interesting thought" like a normal person, you go crazy and create a whole new ministry out of it? No? Just me? Well anyway, a few years ago, I started wondering how much money I was saving by skipping two meals and snacks on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Not because I was being frugal...but because I felt like I wanted my fasting to do something. (Yes, I know there are tons of spiritual benefits to fasting.) But I was thinking to myself, "I wish there was a way I could donate the food I'm not eating to someone in need." Normal people would leave it at that. But I'm not normal, and that's how Fast + Feed was born. Fast + Feed is a fasting food savings calculator for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. You simply check off what you would have eaten on a non-fasting day, and the calculator tells you how much money you've saved by fasting. Then, you can choose to donate that amount to a Catholic charity that gives food to the poor. Here's the favor: If you've received any sort of value from this newsletter or my free resources, would you please share Fast + Feed with your audience? It would truly mean the world to me, because the more people who know about this calculator, the more of our fasted foods we can share with those in need by serving like Jesus taught us. People for whom "only" one meal would be a huge blessing, not a sacrifice. And it not only helps to fund charities who feed the poor... also allows people who participate to start off Lent holistically, with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving all connected. (Plus, if you have a local food pantry, you can even use it to raise donations for your pantry! When you share, just tell people where they can donate locally for Step #3 of the calculator.) And it's a super easy ask for people to participate in almsgiving even with tight finances. If you're willing to share (and participate!), just send them to (And thank you! 🙏) If you want more assets, I also have marketing text and graphics in this Google Drive folder to make sharing even easier. Prayers for a blessed beginning to your Lenten season! For His greater glory, Emily P.S. Lest I leave you without a marketing tip this week: When you can, stick with one call to action. Notice that aside from a reference to last week's newsletter for new people, there is nothing in this email, not even my normal book a consult banner at the bottom. That's because I don't want to clutter up your brain with multiple options. People don't actually want options. They want you to tell them what to do. Jesus doesn't give people a lot of options in the Gospels. He doesn't say, "Do you want to follow me, or do you want to stay here and tell people here about me?" He tells them directly which one He wants them to do. So we should do the same in our marketing. |
I teach Catholic churches, businesses, and ministries how to market like Jesus. Every Monday, I send out the latest musings on Catholic marketing from my position as a Catholic marketing professional, former parish employee, and regular old Catholic mom trying not to lose my mind while raising saints. Subscribe if you want to learn how to apply the strategies Jesus and the apostles used to grow the Early Church to your own marketing work today!
The average person goes to 130 websites per day and spends less than a minute per page. We spend a lot of time in marketing talking about how to get people TO your website...but all of the traffic is pointless if they aren't actually converting. For reference, a "good" conversion rate on a website is 2-5%, which means for every 100 people on your site, we want to average 2-5 people taking some action. (It's like when Jesus fed the five thousand...we'd expect that 100-250 people would take...
This year, I feel like EVERYONE, from big to small ministries, was offering a Lent devotional. Beginning in late January, I was bombarded with emails about them. There were ones with certain themes, those meant for very specific audiences like those grieving or singles, and every format possible: books, video series, audio series, and in-person events.I almost bought several different ones. But after my Advent mishap, I ended up buying......none of them. (I actually still don't know what I'm...
Yes, it's Tuesday. I'm sending this today in the hopes that you were off yesterday and enjoyed a long weekend! Okay, so did you make your Ash Wednesday marketing plan yet? If not, go read last week's newsletter first. Once you know the type of person you're trying to reach, the next step for them, and how to encourage it, you need to do one more thing: You need to send them home with a flyer with next steps. Yes, an actual physical flyer. Why? Because you can't scroll past a flyer that's been...